Blis' Inclusive Pride Celebration: Fostering awareness & allyship

Business Area

Culture, Education

Key focus

Gender, Sexuality


Medium term


Blis, a global marketing company, 开始了一场包容性的骄傲庆祝活动,围绕着两个关键支柱:教育和员工敬业度. Under the educational pillar, they hosted a series of events throughout the month, including Pride-themed sessions, employee-led discussions, 还有一个由跨性别群体成员组成的外部小组. Simultaneously, 他们用主题礼品和盆栽绘画等活动吸引员工, sing-along evenings, and pride-themed parties across different office locations.

What did you set out to achieve?

我们希望我们的骄傲庆祝活动是包容和真实的, 代表了LGBTQIA+社区当前面临的挑战,并产生了盟友关系. 我们希望教育和娱乐Blis员工,让他们参与到对话中,加深他们的盟友关系. 我们没有使用核心DEI领导计划,而是开始与LGBTQIA+员工进行头脑风暴,以确定最相关的主题,并确保本月解决任何内部或外部挑战.

Blis team

Can you describe what you did?

我们的战略基于两个核心支柱:教育方法和员工敬业度支柱. For the educational pillar, 我们在这个月里举办了几场活动,让人们关注围绕LGBTQIA+社区的所有话题, including:

  • 在我们每周的全体会议期间,有两次骄傲主题会议,以翔实和充满活力的方式教育我们的团队, 从介绍骄傲的历史和LGBTQIA+权利到有趣的小测验. 

  • 员工主导的炉边聊天,Blis成员在葡萄牙总部, the UK and Hong Kong shared their own experiences. They discussed coming out, prejudice in the community, experiences at work, role models and how we can all be better allies
  • 一个由弗雷德·朗里奇和卡梅尔·弗勒组成的令人难以置信的外部小组, who are both members of the transgender community, moderated by Kelly Jacobson Collins, Fred and Carmel shared their feelings on identity, career, fears & misconceptions, inequality, how to be a better ally, 以及Blis和其他公司可以采取的更具包容性的措施.


  • Across the globe, we sent out delicious sweets treats (e.g. Tony’s chocolonely, 饼干和纸杯蛋糕),还有一个特别的布利斯品牌的骄傲形象,这个形象非常受彩乐园dsn. 
  • In the UK, we turned our monthly drinks into a Pride-themed special, 从在办公室里画花盆和制作手镯开始,然后去Soho享受一场美妙的西区音乐之夜. 我们中的一些人甚至很勇敢,为观众唱了几首二重唱!
  • In Mumbai, 组织了一个以骄傲为主题的派对,团队成员在t恤上涂上了精彩的骄傲信息. 团队的月度会议变成了茶会,在其他地方提供以骄傲为主题的甜点.

What was the first step you took to get it off the ground?

Instead of using the core DEI leads to plan, 我们与LGBTQIA+的员工进行了头脑风暴,以确定最相关的主题,并确保当月解决了所有内部或外部挑战. 我们还获得了少量预算,这样我们的想法就不会局限于完全无成本的计划. 

谁是你带来的内部业务合作伙伴? 你有没有向任何外部利益相关者寻求建议?

内部支持来自我们的LGBTQIA+员工,人力团队和上升委员会. Greg Isbister, Blis CEO, is the sponsor of DEI initiatives.

我们有外部的跨性别演讲者分享他们的专业知识和生活经历 with everyone.

What budget/resource did you need?

  • Time from our employees to plan and run the sessions
  • 为甜食、晚上外出和跨性别意识小组做预算

How do you keep it going? 

我们全年都安排了重点会议,审查LGBTQIA+社区当前的问题,以提高对持续挑战的认识. 在此基础上,我们能够定义和创建具有包容性的事件.

What positive impact has this initiative or campaign had?

  • 对跨性别群体所面临的挑战有了更深刻的认识, 包括加深对同事应该问和不应该问的问题的理解 
  • 更好地理解如何成为LGBTQIA+社区和同事的积极盟友 
  • 创造一个安全的空间来分享个人故事和庆祝公司内部的差异

What did you learn that could help others?

包容性是指尽可能多地参与社区活动. So rather than always relying on the executive team, we can and should engage with members of the community. So if we are talking about Pride, 我们需要依靠LGBTQIA+员工来表达他们自己的经历和担忧. For Ramadam, engage with your muslim employees and so on. 你可以成为最有激情和同情心的盟友,但你根本没有真正执行的生活经验


By taking the learnings around inclusion and a balanced schedule of events forward into other DEI events. 通过继续参与和支持我们的LGBTQIA同事,并拒绝每年只庆祝一次

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