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Ever heard about wearable display ads? Here’s why you should


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Aryel的Amira Di Costanzo解释了Guess等品牌是如何通过可穿戴展示广告掀起波澜的

开始可穿戴展示广告的旅程标志着时尚营销领域的突破性转变. Let’s first unravel the mystery...

What exactly are wearable display ads?

In essence, 可穿戴显示广告代表了时尚和数字创新的突破性融合, 提供基于增强现实(AR)的虚拟试戴体验. This enables consumers to virtually experience wearing products.

虚拟试戴广告的基础是由谷歌等大型科技公司奠定的, Snapchat and Meta. 这些公司为这种互动广告体验提供了最初的平台. However, Aryel等平台最近的进步和解决方案大大扩展了这些功能, 使品牌能够在更广泛的网络上以更大的规模部署这些沉浸式体验.

The clear & hidden advantages of wearable display ads

可穿戴式展示广告最直接的好处在于它在产品和消费者之间建立了亲密的联系. Take luxury items, for example: the feel of a watch on the wrist, or the texture of a fabric are crucial in making a purchase. Aryel的AR可穿戴显示广告以数字方式复制了这种触觉体验, 通过虚拟互动,让潜在客户了解所有权的概念.

But the advantages of Aryel's technology go beyond the obvious.

These ads are not limited to the open web; they offer an immersive experience within the ad itself. When a potential customer comes across a wearable display ad, they can virtually try on products such as sunglasses or hats, directly within the banner ad. 不需要离开页面去完全沉浸其中.

这种方法不仅可以保持用户对原始内容的参与,还可以确保流量留在主机网站上, 潜在地提高交互点的转换率.

这种无缝集成意味着每个横幅都有可能成为虚拟试衣间, an AR- Atelier, 一个私人展示,消费者可以在这里与产品建立联系,而不会因为离开当前的在线旅程而产生摩擦.

For brands and publishers, 这意味着保留有价值的流量,否则可能会丢失, while for consumers, it translates into an uninterrupted online experience.

Furthermore, when used on the open web, these ads can utilise contextual targeting, either through direct buys or programmatic methods, 提高广告活动的相关性和针对性. 这使得广告的影响范围超出了围墙花园的范围, 在竞争激烈的彩乐园dsn领域提供战略优势.

The unexpected role of wearable display ads in data enrichment


Aryel's venture into this arena isn't merely about offering an innovative advertising medium; it's also about acquiring insightful data. 品牌现在可以深入研究具体的细节:生活在特定地区的具有某些身体特征的个人的转化率是多少?

This is more than a marketer's aspiration; it's the new standard.

Aryel广告经理的AR显示创意解决方案采用前置摄像头,而不仅仅是互动. 他们分析并解读消费者对广告的反应——哪怕是一个微笑, a look of surprise, or a confused expression. This process complies fully with GDPR regulations.

Aryel's AI doesn't just capture these emotional responses and facial patterns; it converts them into a comprehensive data set. Every reaction, every subtle expression, 每个交互都成为Aryel分析框架的一个有价值的数据点.


This isn't just raw data; it's actionable intelligence.

Such insights can influence production decisions, inform design modifications, and even reshape entire marketing strategies. 在合适的人手中,这些见解将开启个性化广告的新水平.

这种详细的数据收集的深远影响是显著的. For the fashion industry, where trends change rapidly, 这可能意味着对消费者偏好做出前所未有的回应. For consumers, 这标志着一个广告时代的到来,这个时代更加个性化,更能满足消费者的个性化需求.

AR可穿戴显示广告的影响:Marcolin与Aryel的KPI成功 & Teads

Marcolin's AR-Atelier campaign, in collaboration with Aryel and Teads, serves as a prime example of the impact of wearable display ads.

Featuring the Guess Eyewear collection, 该活动采用了ar支持的广告,不仅提高了品牌知名度,而且显著增加了用户互动. 统计数据很能说明问题:平均接触时间为19秒, a virtual try-on engagement rate increase of over 44%, and a 13.3% rise in 3D engagement rate compared to Teads' benchmarks. Specifically, in the Italian market, 虚拟试穿用户粘性和平均用户粘性分别超出预期60%和16%.6%, respectively. Read the full Customer Story here.


In a market where capturing attention is paramount, 可穿戴式展示广告为品牌提供了一个机会,不仅可以抓住这种关注,还可以保持这种关注, 将普通观众转变为潜在客户,为他们带来深刻的个人体验,以前只有在店内购物才能获得.

With Aryel's forward-thinking approach, the future of display advertising isn’t just promising; it’s literally wearable.

By Amira Di Costanzo, Marketing & Growth Director


Aryel, the cutting-edge Adtech startup, empowers agencies and brands to create, distribute, 并优化沉浸式广告活动,同时收集有价值的数据, including audience emotional states and facial features. Notably, Aryel serves a global clientele, including renowned organizations like WPP, Teads, Lavazza, PwC, Barilla, Ferrero, and many others.

Posted on: Friday 19 April 2024