
这个角色 & 流媒体音频的好处



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As consumers increasingly embrace digital audio platforms, Veritonic's Damien Scragg 检查如何 流媒体音频广告提供了目标受众, 订婚, 成本效益, and measurable results for impactful brand connections

在今天的数字时代, the way audiences consume their favourite audio content has undergone a significant transformation. One of the most prominent shifts has been from AM/FM radio to streaming platforms - in Q3 of 2023, 88%的英国成年人 每周收听数字广播!  As consumers increasingly embrace platforms like Spotify, 苹果的音乐, 和Deezer来消费他们喜欢的内容, advertisers have recognized the immense value of 流式音频 advertising.




Streaming platforms gather vast amounts of user data, from listening habits to demographic information. This data allows advertisers to target specific audiences based on their interests, 位置, 年龄, 和更多的. Unlike 显示 ads and traditional (AM/FM) radio, 哪里的广告是一对多播出的, 流式音频 advertising provides a 1:1 experience, ensuring that mess年龄s reach the right people at the right time 与 a resonating and relevant mess年龄. 例如, 播客 listeners are more likely to take action in direct response to hearing an ad during their favourite 播客, 与 45%访问网站42%的人考虑使用新产品或服务.


Streaming audio ads are seamlessly integrated into the listening experience. Whether it's a short commercial between songs or a branded playlist, advertisers can craft mess年龄s that become a part of the listening experience and that resonate 与 listeners, 听起来没有破坏性. Such integration ensures that ads feel organic and are therefore less likely to be skipped or ignored.


通过与流行的播放列表相关联, 播客, 或艺术家, brands can elevate their visibility and align themselves 与 content that reflects their values or target audience. This indirect endorsement can be invaluable in establishing and increasing brand recognition and credibility over time.




Listeners on streaming platforms are both eng年龄d and attentive. Unlike visual mediums where users might scroll past ads, 音频广告吸引注意力, especially when they're relevant and well-crafted. This heightened 订婚 leads to better recall and conversion rates. 


Streaming audio advertising offers a cost-effective alternative to traditional radio or television spots. 事实上, 研究显示 that audio ads generate 60% higher ad recall than more than 1,600 comparable online campaigns. 有针对性的广告选择, 品牌可以优化他们的广告支出, ensuring that their mess年龄s resonate 与 the most relevant audiences, 从而使投资回报率最大化.  另外, brands can utilise creative measurement 工具 pre and in-market to ensure that the audio they are using will strike a positive chord 与 their intended audiences.

灵活性 & 创造力

音频广告为创意提供了画布. Brands can lever年龄 storytelling, sound effects, and music to craft memorable narratives. 毕竟, audio ads impact long term memory 36% better than television and 29% better than mobile video ads. 另外, 带有动态AD插入, advertisers can tailor mess年龄s in real-time based on listener data, 确保相关性和及时性.


Music streaming platforms often provide robust analytics 工具. Advertisers can gain insights into metrics such as ad impressions, 通过利率, 听众人口统计. Such data-driven insights enable brands to refine their strategies, 优化活动, 增加他们的整体影响力, 带来更高的回报.


Streaming audio advertising can be seamlessly integrated 与 other digital marketing channels. 例如, a brand can run a synchronized campaign across audio, 显示, 以及社交媒体平台, ensuring a consistent mess年龄 across channels and amplifying its reach. Streaming audio ads enable brands to reach consumers at a time where they are generally otherwise unreachable, 比如跑步的时候, 烹饪, 举重, 或通勤.


Streaming audio advertising has emerged as a powerful tool in the modern marketer's arsenal. 通过提供目标受众, 引人入胜的内容集成, and a myriad of benefits from high 订婚 levels to measurable results, it presents a compelling proposition for brands looking to connect 与 today's always-on, digital-savvy消费者. As streaming platforms continue to evolve and grow, the role and impact of 流式音频 advertising is only set to continuously expand, promising exciting opportunities for brands to innovate and eng年龄 audiences in new, 有效和有机的方式.



Veritonic is the industry’s leading audio research and analytics platform. 它的技术提供品牌, 出版商, and 年龄ncies 与 the data they need to optimize their omni-channel audio investments across 播客, 流式音频, 广播电台, 有声读物, video, 和更多的. 有竞争力的情报, 创造性的测试, campaign performance and brand lift capabilities in an easy-to-use UI, the Veritonic platform is the most comprehensive solution for audio optimization and efficacy. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 http://www.veritonic.com

发布: 2024年2月16日星期五