The Launch of Real Living 2021

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Event Overview

In 2015, IAB UK launched Real Living, 这是一个研究项目,旨在观察和了解英国人在现实生活中是如何使用数字设备的. Six years later, 我们重新制作了《彩乐园dsn》,向我们展示了人们数字化时代的全国图景, how behaviour is evolving, 这对广告商意味着什么?疫情是否会带来持久的变化.

Having already launched deep-dive insights into shoppers, gamers, listeners and viewers, 回顾这个虚拟的事件,我们揭示了关于所有媒体上的消费者行为的新见解——人们在做什么, when they're doing it, and crucially, how they're doing it. IAB英国的研究团队和研究咨询公司Sparkler的分析以及IAB成员的评论, 所有这些见解都将为广告商带来不容错过的启示,并为通过最有效的渠道接触消费者提供实用的建议.


Welcome & Introduction

James Chandler, Chief Marketing Officer, IAB UK

Real Living - Methodology

Before the results of Real Living are revealed, Sparkler公司的杰米•辛普森将与大家分享这项针对消费者使用电子设备和科技产品的研究方法, 研究小组是如何收集定量和定性证据来构建习惯变化的图景的, 以及在封锁和限制的背景下进行这项研究是如何影响这项研究的.

Jamie Simpson, Principal Consultant, Sparkler

Real Living 2021

Having already launched deep-dive insights into shoppers, gamers, listeners and viewers, 加入我们,我们将揭示有关所有媒体中消费者行为的新见解-人们正在做什么, when they're doing it, and crucially, how they're doing it.

Elizabeth Lane, Head of Research, IAB UK

Real Living Panel


Dan Daynes, International Strategy & Planning Lead, Mindshare, Monica Majumdar, Head of Strategy, Wavemaker UK, Simon Andrews, 上瘾的创始人和出版商必须有固定通讯, Addictive


Meet our speakers...

Simon Andrews

Simon Andrews

Founder at Addictive and Publisher of the Fix newsletter
Simon Andrews

Simon Andrews

Founder at Addictive and Publisher of the Fix newsletter

Simon has been helping businesses profit from digital since 1995. He now does this in two ways. 通过他的Fix时事通讯分享知识和煽动性的想法,并通过与初创企业和企业的咨询和咨询工作产生影响. 在专注于咨询之前,西蒙拥有运营媒体机构和创意机构的罕见特权,并曾在全面服务机构董事会任职, Direct Marketing Agencies and Digital Agencies. 这种广泛而深刻的经验丰富了他的思想,他的Fix通讯在谷歌被广泛阅读, Facebook, Snap and Amazon as well as by many VCs, brands and agencies. 西蒙正在通过更多的活动和对读者社区的关注来建立这项业务. Consultancy projects include work for Three, Telefonica, Nike, Avios and Google as well as advising a number of start-ups. 最近的一个长期项目是帮助美国机构The Media Kitchen (MDC的一部分)在欧洲开展业务. 作为一名定期演讲者,西蒙最近为谷歌、亚马逊、Snap、Orange和耐克等公司做了主题演讲.

Dan Daynes

Dan Daynes

International Strategy & Planning Lead, Mindshare
Dan Daynes

Dan Daynes

International Strategy & Planning Lead, Mindshare

Dan热衷于提供富有创意和洞察力的媒体解决方案,为客户提供最大的增长机会. With 14 years media experience, Dan has spent the majority of his career at Mindshare Worldwide working with many of the world’s most admired businesses; most recently leading International Strategy and Planning for Facebook. 丹有着丰富的职业经历,在设计方面有着独特的经验标准, 与战略合作伙伴建立和提供创新的消费者体验, integral to communications strategy, partnerships and media planning.

Jamie Simpson

Jamie Simpson

Principal Consultant, Sparkler
Jamie Simpson

Jamie Simpson

Principal Consultant, Sparkler

Jamie是PA Consulting旗下Sparkler的首席顾问. Having begun his career as a graduate at Kantar TNS, 他在Sparkler工作了7年,为一系列数字优先的客户提供了各种各样的混合方法项目. 他是与IAB一起创建最初的Real_Living研究团队的一员, 这次他从火星一侧领导了Real_Living 2的研究.

Monica Majumdar

Monica Majumdar

Head of Strategy, Wavemaker UK
Monica Majumdar

Monica Majumdar

Head of Strategy, Wavemaker UK

Monica拥有超过15年的传播策略经验,专门从事快速消费品和英国市场营销. 她曾在Verizon Media担任两年多的战略主管. A central part of Monica’s role was establishing a highly skilled strategy team and leading creative solutions - which including being part of the team that defined the UK positioning of Huffpost and Yahoo; and revamping the company’s award strategy which resulted in recognition for its client work including the Find Unlimited Vatoms campaign for Vodafone (with Wavemaker). Prior to Verizon Media, she held senior positions at the Spark Foundry, PHD UK and Starcom MediaVest, 他是The Marketing Academy竞争领导力课程的校友. 

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