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Tech with Good Intentions: Key takeaways from CES 2024


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Ad Tech Audio and Voice Connected TV

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CES 2024 was always going to be special, 但今年出现了一些关键的转变,为全球科技的下一步发展设定了议程. Dan Pike, Chief Product Officer at Covatic, digs deeper into some of the top trends that surfaced at CES 2024

在今年的消费电子展(CES)上展示的创新体现了整个行业加速向人工智能实施的转变, consumer-centricity and smart automotives.


Whether this be through solving accessibility challenges, addressing privacy expectations, or increasing personalisation, 国际消费电子展表明,科技和广告行业的先驱们的意图越来越一致.

AI is driving real change in everyday experiences

As we move past the initial buzz of AI and towards its real impact, 多功能技术正迅速融入消费者的日常生活,使他们更加负责任, and inclusive consumer devices.

Samsung, for example, 近日,苹果公司推出了一款可以用手语控制的新型电视机,这款电视机在识别和理解人类手势方面取得了进步. It can also turn text subtitles into spoken words in real time.


三星还展示了其人工智能伴侣机器人的重大更新, Ballie, which can now project images and videos on walls; allowing users to access information, enjoy personalised services, and interact with other smart devices.

这家科技巨头重申了帮助其设备学习如何更好地理解和支持用户日常生活的承诺, 特别是通过使用空间人工智能和光探测和测距(激光雷达)技术来改进人工智能集成.

Amid conversations about the risks of AI to jobs, wellbeing, and even humanity itself, 在CES上展示的许多技术表明,人工智能也可以成为一种积极的力量, for example, 通过满足受众的无障碍需求,否则他们可能被排除在媒体和技术进步的好处之外.


Image by Lukas from Pixabay

AI Robot: CES 2024 saw much talk of AI’s promise.


Letting the customer lead


Many attendees demonstrated this approach throughout the event.

For example, Disney presented its latest research, Generation Stream, which reminded us that most families (77%) watch specific shows, seasonal content, 或者一起运动,作为一种集体活动,而不仅仅是一种个人活动.

尽管流媒体提供了高度个性化的观看体验, certain types of content do regularly still bring families together.

广告商面临的挑战是如何定位和衡量家庭中的这些共同观看群体, friends, and households. This is a very different context to mobile, for example, where you can assume a single user is behind the screen.

品牌必须了解与这些观看模式合作的必要性, will be able to maximise engagement with their target audiences.



Streaming in: Marketers need to keep innovating around TV content.


Marketers must continually test, assess, 并采用创新,使他们能够优化运营.

Leading advertising technologies, including those powered by AI, 将在自动化和简化客户体验方面发挥更大的作用.

By understanding consumer behaviours with granular precision, personalised ads can be implemented at scale in real-time.

Smart auto tech is making moves

Thanks to the increasingly connected nature of modern cars, 车载信息娱乐已经从被动的音频产品(广告商只能将其用于普通的广播广告)发展成为一个丰富的环境, 使营销人员能够利用基于位置和个性化的产品.

Now, 车内体验与家庭体验一样具有音频连接, video, text, and images used to reach audiences.

These opportunities can be targeted to highly engaged users, right down to the type of car they’re driving, where they’re driving it, and their specific interests and needs.

Research from Futuresource, presented at the event, 在美国销售的新车中,98%都安装了Apple CarPlay, while Google’s Android Auto is in 200 million cars worldwide.


As cars incorporate these smart technologies, 广告商将有更多的机会通过有针对性的、与上下文相关的内容接触到受众.

在过去的五年里,语音辅助技术已经突破了车载信息娱乐和互动的界限, which has rapidly grown in popularity in that time.


Image by Lee Rosario from Pixabay

Info-driven: In car infotainment a major talking point at CES 2024.

In the automotive sector, marketers will also seek to tap into seamless experiences where consumers can enter their vehicles and become fully immersed; able to choose and enjoy what they want to experience, whether that be gaming, video streaming, music, or online shopping.

这次活动证明,科技和广告领导者的意图越来越一致:让消费者更容易决定他们想要参与的内容, to provide streamlined, interconnected customer experiences with smart devices, and to drive AI innovation that helps users with everyday tasks.

However, 而消费者则会为他们可以使用的新技术感到兴奋, 他们仍然会担心他们的个人数据是否以及如何被用于实现更紧密的联系体验.

This needs to be at the forefront of marketers’ minds if they want to make the most of new tech opportunities; finding a balance between reaching the right audience and doing it in a responsible way.

By Dan Pike, Chief Product Officer


Covatic helps online publishers, 媒体公司和品牌在保护用户隐私的同时更好地定位广告.

我们的机器学习技术不依赖于cookie或个人标识符,可以在包括移动设备在内的多个平台上工作, web, smart speakers, CTV native and CTV apps. Publishers like Bauer, Sky, Octave已经与Covatic合作,利用以前无法获得的广告机会, 让他们在与我们合作几个月后就获得了可观的广告回报.

Posted on: Thursday 21 March 2024